Monday, January 19, 2009

I recently judged the R-Phils Dance Team final audition. This is a wonderful opportunity for me to be around that dance element again, catch up with some friends and meet new people. You might remember from a post last year, this is where I first met little Jerzi Schur. Through the year we have kept in touch and I have helped mentor and sponsor her through her first pageant competition. I truly enjoyed being a part of a team with these ladies, it's like having another family. I am so glad to keep in touch with them and hear about all the exciting things they are up to. Pictured are Vi (current Philadelphia Sixers dancer/former Reading Express), Brianna (former R-Phils/former Reading Express), Heather (former Philadelphia Eagles Cheerleader/former R-Phils & Reading Express Director), Jennifer (former Philadelphia Sixers Dancer/former reading Express Director/current R-Phils Director), and myself.