Sunday, August 3, 2008

Mrs. New Jersey participates in 8th annual African & Carribean Health Fair in West Philadelphia

We had a successful day today at the Africom Health Fair. We anticipated 500 visitors from the West Philadelphia community, we came prepared with samples, gloves, and masks. This was a day where I walked away knowing I have helped to enhance the overall health and well-being of others. The health fair offered a day of free health screenings, blood pressure, HIV testing and counseling, diabetes counseling, dental health education/screening, and more. I am proud to be a contributing member of the ADHA, our Philadelphia component is making a difference, good work!!!

Friday, August 1, 2008

My Proclamation from NJ state Legislature

I have recently been notified from the office of Assemblywoman Nilsa Cruz-Perez that she will be presenting me with a proclamation this fall. My efforts this year have been successful, my goal is to educate as many children, teachers, parents and lawmakers about children's oral health concerns. Thank you ASW Cruz-Perez for recognizing my efforts and helping me get one step closer to my goals.