Friday, April 30, 2010

Oral Health Presentation at 7th Avenue Elementary

Today was my 1st oral health presentation with BG Roo and his baby kangaroo. A very special thanks to Chris from StarSmilez for sponsoring me with my very own BG Roo and baby. The children had so much fun brushing BG's teeth and learning all about my pageant competition. They had more questions about what it takes to be Mrs New jersey than they did about their teeth. . . very interesting. Thanks Mrs. Young for inviting me out to speak with the Kindergarten, 2nd, and 4th grade classes today.

Monday, April 26, 2010

2010 New Jersey National Teenager Pageant

Wow!! I have to say I am truly impressed with the ANTSO organization. I had the opportunity to judge the New Jersey National Teenager pageant this past weekend and it was a weekend I will never forget. ALL the young ladies were impressive, any one of them would have represented this state very well. I was honored to be on the main judges panel with 3 other inspirational men and women. I can say I am truly honored and I look forward to seeing them compete at the National competition this summer in Philadelphia.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

MS Walk 2010

What a great afternoon spent with some friends of mine. Today was the annual MS walk 2010. This was a 6.5 mile event raising money for MS. Our team leader is my very good friend Mary Moulds, this has been my 5th year participating in this event. Today I decided to run the 6.5 miles with my friends Ellie & John. You will notice in the earlier photos from the day I am a little more "put together" than after the 6.5 mile run. It was a great event for a great cause.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

A gift from Starsmilez

I am very pleased to announce that because of my blog, someone has reached out to me in efforts to help my classroom presentations. I got an e-mail this week from Chris who represents a dental educational company called Starsmilez. He noticed that during my oral health presentations I am using one of his company's products.. . my donkey named "little Bill." I was so touched when he offered to give me a Starsmilez character of my own to use during this in classroom presentations. Doc Bresler has been so generous to me over the past few years by donating toothbrushes and this donkey for my presentations. I am so excited that I will now have my own!! Stay tuned for photos of my new friend visiting classrooms throughout the New Jersey and Pennsylvania areas. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for reaching out to me Chris, this is why I blog, so people can see that there are efforts out there and people are doing good things. The media is so focused on the negative things going on in our communities so I will keep blogging about all the wonderful experiences going on in the community. I am so touched by your generosity Chris!!